Contributors to the Organ Artists Series

A note of thanks!

We can't thank our patrons, advertisers, and co-sponsors enough for their continued generosity. They have contributed to the success of past seasons and guarantee our offerings in this and future seasons.

Please consider joining the ranks of our regular contributors. Your donation will help us continue a Pittsburgh tradition of live performances of great organ music. You can also invite a friend to join you at the next OAS concert. Inviting a friend is a very practical and enjoyable way to support the series and help us increase our audience.

Again, thanks to all who have supported the series in so many different ways. We couldn't do it without you!

Jon Tyillian
Aaron M. Sproul
Directors, Organ Artists Series

Tuba Mirabilis ($1,000+)
A commanding solo reed stop
J. Randolph Hiller
Luley Organ Company
Aaron Sproul
Jon Tyillian
Bombarde ($750 - $999)
A powerful chorus reed stop
Trompette ($500-$749)
An essential chorus reed stop
Dr. Ann Labounsky
Dr. Jan Edward Oris
Stephen Schall and Andrew Eppich
Krummhorn ($250-$499)
A distinctive and colorful reed stop
Larry Allen and Scott Bell
J.R. Daniels
William Gladden
Pamela Shaw
Diapason ($100-$249)
The fundamental foundation organ stop
Katherine Csellar
Signe Mitchell, CAGO
Jim and Judy Stark
Mark Weber
Melodia ($25-$99)
A gentle and lyric stop
Elna Johnson
Deborah L. Nichols
Kenneth Rankin
Jacob Simon
Chimes (to $24)
A percussion stop

Program Partners

Calvary Episcopal Church
Donald C. McVey Organ Recital
Shadyside Presbyterian Church
Music in a Great Space
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
Music at St. Michael Concerts on the Casavant Series
St. Paul Roman Catholic Cathedral
Saint Paul Cathedral Concert Series
WQED Classical FM 89.3

List current as of October 11, 2024.